Notes from the Road
December 2023
I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to my new web-site, and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in 2024!
I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to my new web-site, and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in 2024!
Speaking of the new year, we’re gonna be focused on playing a lot. I’m looking forward to singing and playing for you!
Check out this site for the details. We’ve got some fun Legion shows at the beginning of 2024.
Btw, I’m still writing and recording. You can expect a new single in April. Please enjoy the holidays and be kind to yourself, friends and family.
Take care,
January 2023
Welcome to 2023! I think I’m pretty much ready for a new year!
Welcome to 2023!
I think I’m pretty much ready for a new year! Before I continue, I want to say congrats to our Canadian junior team who just won the gold 👍
My Christmas/New Years holidays usually revolve around this tournament lol. I’ve got a new single “He Should Be Cryin’”, which will hit Radio on Jan 30th. I’m excited about this new song!
We’ve also got a pretty cool tour to announce for the fall of 2023…”One Step Back to 90’s Country”…5 artists/full band. We’ve partnered with Sakamoto to bring back some fun music from that time! I’ll announce the lineup very soon. It’s an awesome one btw!!
You can always find me on my social media. I hope you’ve weathered the pandemic well.
Stay safe and take care,
April 2022
Well Spring is pretty much here, and summer…almost around the corner.
Well Spring is pretty much here, and summer…almost around the corner. ☀️😎
It looks like we’re back playing music again. I had two shows back to back at the beginning of April! Lol, I didn’t wear track pants for a whole weekend!! I think it’s time to get outside and enjoy ourselves. 🤘That is my wish for us this year 🤷🏼♂️ Check the gig section here on the site to see if I’ll be seeing you soon.
We have a new summer song coming to radio the first week of June… “Gonna Make Ya’ Wanna”. Watch for a cool video Ange shot on the beach while we were in Mexico 👍 It’s a fun tune. 🎵
Stay safe and well!
January 2022
Welcome to 2022❣️ I’ve got to admit this Covid thing is getting on my nerves… I’m about ready to move on and forward.
Welcome to 2022❣️ I’ve got to admit this Covid thing is getting on my nerves…I’m about ready to move on and forward. I hope you are safe and well. There will be more live shows this year.
That I promise you!! And I will be out on the road…spring and summer I’m hoping 🎵👍 Stay tuned for show postings.
We just released a new single “Heart Comin’ Around”. Please check it out and feel free to download it. It’s from a new CD, yet to be named and released lol. The one place I haven’t left during Covid, is the studio. 😊
Take care,
May 2021
We are so close to summer. 😎 Hang in there, it’s just around the corner!
We are so close to summer. 😎 Hang in there, it’s just around the corner!
I’m pleased to announce, and introduce you to new music. “Cows and Corn” is the first release from a brand new album…due for release later this year. We also shot a cool new video with my pal Terry Odette (check it out and please share it)!!
I guess you can tell I’ve been on a bit of a writing roll. Gives me something to do during this Covid wackiness.
By the way, I do see a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel. I believe you’ll see me sing live a few times this summer. You can hold me to it!! I hope you’re safe and well. I look forward to seeing you in person this summer.
Take care,
September 2020
Well, it’s officially fall. Welcome to walks with a sweater and an occasional toque! (Canadian speak)
Well, it’s officially fall. Welcome to walks with a sweater and an occasional toque! (Canadian speak)
This is the first update in a couple months…I was a little busy getting married. 🤷🏼♂️😊
I just released a brand new single “Basement Of A Church”, available for download.
Check out the new video here on my youtube channel as well as my Facebook fan page. 👍
It’s a family affair…we shot much of the footage at the wedding.
This Covid time is certainly challenging and odd. I wish the best for you and your family. We’ll get thru this! ❤️
Take care,
May 2020
Well… we’re in the centre of spring with summer just around the corner. I hope you’re safe and well during this Covid pandemic we’re dealing with.
Well… we’re in the centre of spring with summer just around the corner. I hope you’re safe and well during this Covid pandemic we’re dealing with. I think I’d prefer “Corona”…at least that way I could help drink it away!! Gluten free! Just sayin’. To all our front line workers. THANK-YOU!! ❤
We just released a new single “Hell No”. I wrote this song with my pal Carrie DeMaeyer. It’s the 3rd release from the upcoming CD “The Secret To Life”, to be released later this summer.
Katy added a new member to our family (Zennon). I am officially a grandfather. I’ve been joking that maybe I could be referred to as Big J instead of grampa. 🙂
I suspect it may be a while before you attend a concert in person, but don’t worry, we’ll find a way to perform for you. Hey if it’s virtual for a while, what the heck. Things will correct. I promise!! Stay safe!
Take care,
November 2019
Winter is truly here and we’re edging our way closer to Christmas.
Winter is truly here and we’re edging our way closer to Christmas. 👍
We just released “Chill With You”, the first single from my new CD due out Spring 2020. Lol this kinda’ explains what I’ve been up to…in the studio trying to finish my next album. I guarantee that next year we’ll be out playing again…somewhere near you! 😊
I’ve recently teamed up with Rob Cyrynowski at LIVESTAR for bookings. His contact info is on the website here.
My golf clubs are now in the basement…I’m a tad bummed, but hey there’s always next spring. I hope life is treating you well!
Take care,
Jamie aka Jdub